One Stop Shop - is now closed
The Taxi Council SA (TCSA) was co-located with the Accreditation and Licensing Unit of the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure as part of a combined project between the government and the taxi industry. Whilst the TCSA was formed as an Operator’s Association, it is also considered the peak industry body supporting operators and drivers with day to day advice and complex issues for business and daily operational issues.
Some of the daily services provided by the TCSA:
- Provide information regarding entering, operating within and exiting the taxi industry.
- Provide information on the requirements for operating a small business.
- New Lease, lease reissue and licence transfer advice and services.
- How to obtain a Taxi Licence and Driver’s Accreditation.
- How to become a Taxi Operator.
- Leasing Arrangements.
- Regulatory matters – Passenger Transport Act and Regulations.
- Operational matters eg. taxi ranks, and Council By-Laws.
- Driver and Operator’s advocate when appropriate.
- Educational and informational needs to the industry.
- Central point for governance, management and booking of Driver Training.
- Liaison between the government and the taxi industry. Proactive interchange between government and the taxi industry has increased significantly since the co-location at the One Stop Shop at Mile End South.
- Promotional Activities to increase the use of taxis and reinforce a positive image of the taxi industry.
- Dissemination of relevant information to drivers and operators in a timely manner through regular industry bulletins.
- Distribution of the Official Journal of the Taxi Industry “Fare”.
The Minister for Transport, the Hon Patrick Conlon MP opened the Taxi industry’s “One Stop Shop” on the 28th June 2005. The concept was first tabled at the Premier’s Taxi Council in 2003 and the then South Australian Taxi Association (SATA), now the Taxi Council SA undertook to develop the project further.
It was brought about because of the industry’s recognition of the benefits to Operators and Drivers of a centrally located centre of expertise and excellence, and the government’s willingness to support the concept.
The establishment of a OneStopShop in the metropolitan area provides a central focus for transport related business connected with the taxi industry. All transactions, approvals and information necessary to operate or drive a taxi can be conducted at this single location.

At the Premier’s Taxi Council One Stop Shop Subcommittee meeting held in December 2003 it was agreed that One Stop Shop should incorporate the following:
- Be centrally located in the metropolitan area.
- Have counter and staff dedicated to taxi business.
- Be overseen by a Senior Manager from the Regulatory Services Directorate.
- Allow for the potential of an expanding co-operative Industry/Government approach (co-location of the Taxi Council SA and the Accreditation and Licensing).
Members of the industry are willing to transact all business at the OneStopShop as staff members are specially trained and have the expertise to
deal with the more complex taxi industry matters.
The One Stop Shop is the hub for all matters concerning the taxi industry. Taxi Driver Training, leasing and licence transfers, advice on all matters concerning the industry and daily licensing transactions are all functions of the One Stop Shop.