The Taxi Industry performs a vital role in passenger transport. Our entire community depends on taxi travel at some point of time, from tourists to big business, the elderly, the young, people with disabilities, including people with assistance animals (guide dogs and hearing dogs) and the greater population, all are reliant on the services the taxi industry provides.
The taxi industry in Adelaide has a shortage of full and part time taxi drivers and as a result job prospects are excellent. There are very real opportunities available for people who want to succeed in the taxi industry be it part time or full time work. People who drive taxis come from a wide range of backgrounds and include:
- People with full time jobs seeking to earn extra money.
- People wanting to run their own business.
- Students wanting to help with their Uni fees.
- The unemployed trying to gain employment and work experience.
- Retiree’s looking for casual work.
- Those who join the taxi industry as a starting point for other jobs in the taxi, passenger and road transport industries.
Cabbies both male and female come from all walks of life. An Adelaide taxi driver will enjoy the freedom of the job, meeting lots of interesting people and providing an important service to our passengers. Taxi drivers are ambassadors to our State. To meet passenger expectations a taxi driver requires excellent communication skills, a sound knowledge of Adelaide including main roads, places of interest, tourist attractions, and suburb locations and of course the Passenger Transport Act and Regulations.
Taxi drivers work in the customer service industry and therefore require the skills to apply good customer service techniques for passengers. Drivers’ duty of care includes assisting the elderly and frail and people with a disability including the acceptance of assistance animals in your taxi. Drivers are also required to work under a Code of Practice (Schedule 5 of the Passenger Transport Regulations).
To be able to drive and operate a fare paying taxi service in Adelaide you must become an accredited taxi driver. In order to be eligible to become a taxi driver you must have held an Australian Driver’s Licence for a minimum of six months and hold a current South Australian unconditional driver’s licence. You will then need to complete the following short steps to commence your career. Accredited drivers are engaged to drive a taxi usually on a full or part time basis. The industry offers many
Sessions are held at the Taxi Council SA (TCSA). The TCSA will provide you with all of the information required to get you on your way.
All South Australian accredited drivers are required to:
- hold a current full South Australian driver’s licence, not subject to any conditions such as provisional, probationary or suspended
- have held a full Australian driver’s licence for a minimum of six months
- have a valid Working with Children Check issued by the South Australian Department of Human Services
- have a National Criminal History Check issued by SA Police (SAPOL) or an Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) accredited body
- meet minimum requirements for fitness, medical and eyesight assessed by a medical practitioner in accordance with the National Assessing Fitness to Drive guidelines for commercial vehicle drivers
- be eligible to work within Australia
- be sufficiently competent in speaking, reading and writing English.
You will need to have a Medical Certificate of Fitness, a National Police Clearance and Working with Children (DCSI) clearance before obtaining accreditation.
For more information the following link which should be pasted into your URL:
Screening Unit – Working with children check
Accredited bodies | Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (
On completion of the Information Session, you will be able to book for your Taxi Driver Training Course and get your latest Resource Booklet questionnaire that needs to be read and completed prior to attending the course.
You will need to allow for one day at the TCSA. Trainers will take you through the course where you will learn the important aspects of driving a taxi.
IMPORTANT NEWS: The TCSA now holds on-line learning, where you can sit through the lessons at your home at a time suitable to you. Contact the Taxi Council to see what is required.
Once completing the Driver Course you will be given a Certificate which will allow you to apply for trainee accreditation at Accreditation and Licensing. Return to the TCSA and pick up your training passport.
Once you receive your trainee accreditation you will need to make an appointment with your taxi company, where you will be taught the requirements of driving a taxi for that company. This is a full day of learning where some of the topics covered are
• Driver responsibilities and CBS policies and procedures.
• Security camera and alarm systems.
• MT Data functions and operation.
• Using the communication system in a taxi cab.
• Meter operations and functions.
• Driver uniform standards.
You will then be issued with a personalised identification number (PIN) allowing you to log on to their dispatch system and be allocated bookings.
You are now ready to commence your career as a professional taxi driver. You have already been given a training passport which includes the logging of your minimum of 20 hours over 4 weeks as a trainee taxi driver.
Your CBS will find you a taxi operator or you may already have a preferred taxi operator. It is also the taxi operator’s responsibility to help you to become a professional taxi driver. They will need to give you some specific familiarisation and instruction relevant to their taxis or their taxi business.
Your CBS and Operator will assist you while learning, they are experienced taxi people and will encourage you to become the very best you can.
After completing your required shifts you will be asked to make an appointment with the TCSA so that we can discuss your performance and ways that you can improve if necessary.
At the satisfactory completion of your review, the TCSA will give you Certificate to apply for you to be given full taxi driver accreditation. Remember the TCSA will want you to provide the highest standard of customer service to your passengers, as a service industry that is where we must excel.
We understand you will have many questions about the taxi industry. Some of these are answered below.
Q How old do I have to be to drive a taxi?
A. You would need to have held a full unconditional driver’s licence in Australia for at least 6 months and therefore you would be at least 20 years of age.
Q. How much will I earn?
A. In the taxi industry you work as an independent contractor and your earnings are usually based on 50% commission. You are running your own small business therefore your earning capacity is dependent on the number of shifts you do per week and the number of fares per shift. Good drivers learn to work the computer dispatch system to maximise their earnings.
Q. How will I know where to work?
A. The industry has highly experienced personnel that will assist you to maximise your earning capacity.
Q. How much will my training cost?
A. At the Information session all costs relating to training will be discussed.
Q. Do I have to wear a uniform?
A. Yes. A uniform is required under the CBS policy. Costs relating to the purchasing of a uniform are the driver’s responsibility. Wearing a uniform creates respect from your customers and pride in your work.
Q What about driver safety?
A. Adelaide is a safe city compared with many other larger places, however driver and passenger safety is paramount at all times and therefore security cameras are fitted to all Adelaide Taxis. The surveillance cameras are also linked with global positioning system (GPS).
Q. Am I guaranteed shifts?
A. Job prospects are good for full/part time drivers. Taxi operators are located from Gawler in the North to Noarlunga in the South. As with any job though, you have an obligation to the owner to be reliable and trustworthy.
Taxi Council SA (TCSA) 8301 8400 71 Richmond Road, Mile End South
Adelaide Independent Taxis 8202 1200 99 Henley Beach Road, Mile End
Taxi Driver Charter
This page details the charter of taxi drivers operating in Adelaide.
Taxi drivers have the right to:
Request proof of ability to pay or request a deposit A taxi driver has the right to ensure that passengers have the ability to pay the expected fare or request a deposit up to the estimated fare before starting the trip.
Refuse or terminate a hiring Drivers are not required to accept or continue with a taxi trip when passengers are violent, noisy, misbehaving, filthy or offensive.
Driver responsibilities
Taxi drivers must abide by the following requirements:
Courtesy and helpfulness
The taxi industry recognises that, as service providers, taxi drivers represent the public face of the industry. Drivers in the metropolitan area are required to undertake aCourse in Taxi Driving. This includes an emphasis on the need for drivers to be courteous and helpful in the performance of their duties.
Accompanying guide dogs or assistance dogs
Guide dogs and assistance dogs for people with a vision or hearing impairment must be accepted by the taxi driver for carriage within the taxi. For more information on assistance dogs, visit:
Knowledge and observance of traffic laws
Drivers should know, obey and respect the road rules and other road users. The Department For Planning, Transport and Infrastructure takes seriously complaints about drivers who may endanger the public by breaking traffic laws. See Taxi InfoLine.
Acceptance of fares
Once hailed, a driver cannot refuse a fare that is too short or inconvenient.
Knowledge of major routes and destinations
Taxi drivers should know and use major routes. Furthermore, drivers are expected to know of major destinations within their area. These include airports, major railway stations, major hotels and sporting and cultural facilities.
Understanding of and ability to speak English
Drivers are required to meet English literacy comprehension standards which are set down in the approved Course in Taxi Driving.
Taking the most direct practicable route
Drivers are required to take the most direct, practicable route from when they pick up a customer to the requested destination, unless otherwise directed by the customer. The driver can and should briefly consult a street directory when in doubt. The driver must take the passenger to the designated place and not to any alternative destination.
Neatness, cleanliness and tidiness
Passengers have a right to expect taxi drivers to be neat, clean and tidy in appearance and without offensive body odour.
Wearing of an approved uniform
While on duty, all taxi drivers are required to wear the approved uniform of the taxi company with which the taxi is affiliated.
Assistance to passengers
A taxi driver is required to provide reasonable assistance with a customer’s luggage. This includes assistance with getting luggage into and out of the Taxi, taking reasonable care while in the taxi, and immediately reporting any found items to their depot and the Police.
Taxi drivers are not expected to maneuver luggage when it may cause injury to them or others. Neither are they expected to carry more luggage than the reasonable capacity of the storage facilities of the vehicle.
Passengers with special needs (such as people with disabilities, tourists, children and elderly people) can expect that the driver will act with understanding and patience.